Battles | Wall Street | A Take Away Show

La Blogotheque presents
A La Blogotheque & Watch Your Steps production
Battles | Wall Street | A Take Away Show

“Nous avions pendant des jours cherché des hangars, de l’industriel, des lignes, des espaces vides, du perpendiculaire. Et l’inverse s’était offert à nous : c’était incongru, c’était diablement excitant. Nous allions filmer Battles dans un salon rococo de l’Hôtel de Ville de Paris.”

“For days we were searching for hangars, warehouses and big empty loft spaces. We got the opposite : it was incongruous, it was bloody exciting. We were going to shoot Battles in a rococo style lounge in The Hotel de Ville, the magnificent city hall and mayor’s office in the centre of Paris.”

Read the full story :
In French :,6025
In English :,6030

Directed by Nat Le Scouarnec
Image by Benjamin Rufi | Charles Cornier | David Ctiborsky | Denis Gaubert | Nat Le Scouarnec
Sound by François Clos | J.B. Aubonnet
Edit by Nat Le Scouarnec
Mix by J.B. Aubonnet

Shot with Nikon DSLRs : D5100 / D7000 / D3S

Cast: La Blogotheque, François Clos, Watch Your Steps and Nikon France

Tags: Battles, Wall Street, Hotel de ville, city hall, Paris, blogotheque, concert, emporter, take, away, live, music, watch your steps, take away Show, Nat Le Scouarnec, JB Aubonnet, David Ctiborsky, Francois Clos, Chryde and françoisclos

Battles | Wall Street | A Take Away Show

La Blogotheque presents
A La Blogotheque & Watch Your Steps production
Battles | Wall Street | A Take Away Show

“Nous avions pendant des jours cherché des hangars, de l’industriel, des lignes, des espaces vides, du perpendiculaire. Et l’inverse s’était offert à nous : c’était incongru, c’était diablement excitant. Nous allions filmer Battles dans un salon rococo de l’Hôtel de Ville de Paris.”

“For days we were searching for hangars, warehouses and big empty loft spaces. We got the opposite : it was incongruous, it was bloody exciting. We were going to shoot Battles in a rococo style lounge in The Hotel de Ville, the magnificent city hall and mayor’s office in the centre of Paris.”

Read the full story :
In French :,6025
In English :,6030

Directed by Nat Le Scouarnec
Image by Benjamin Rufi | Charles Cornier | David Ctiborsky | Denis Gaubert | Nat Le Scouarnec
Sound by François Clos | J.B. Aubonnet
Edit by Nat Le Scouarnec
Mix by J.B. Aubonnet

Shot with Nikon DSLRs : D5100 / D7000 / D3S

Cast: La Blogotheque, François Clos, Watch Your Steps and Nikon France

Tags: Battles, Wall Street, Hotel de ville, city hall, Paris, blogotheque, concert, emporter, take, away, live, music, watch your steps, take away Show, Nat Le Scouarnec, JB Aubonnet, David Ctiborsky, Francois Clos, Chryde and françoisclos






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