Plastic_wrap3D_Test2Cast: Akihiko TaniguchiTags:
カテゴリーアーカイブ: Vimeo
Multi Touch Light Table: GERGWERK
Senior Degree Project for the Kansas City Art Institute. DJ touch screen interface and gesture interaction concepts. In San Francisco area looking for collaborators interested in discussing this project further. To see process images, please visit: b…
Multi Touch Light Table: GERGWERK
Senior Degree Project for the Kansas City Art Institute. DJ touch screen interface and gesture interaction concepts.
In San Francisco area looking for collaborators interested in discussing this project further.
To see process images, please visit:
you can see my other design work at:
this project has a creative commons license of Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
for more information about this license, please visit
Tags: gerg werk, touch screen, graphic user interface, dj, dj culture, electro, fidget, CZR, Deadmau5, Aniki, AC Slater, Udachi, multi touch, muliti touch table, multi touch interface, after effects, illustrator, photoshop, final cut pro and experimental
beet cake
song: “babe” – evenings There is something beautiful about the baking process. The way flour feels in your hands or the sound of eggs cracking on the edge of a bowl. Baking is a gathering of interesting materials, a mixed medium art piece of sorts, tha…
beet cake
song: “babe” – evenings
There is something beautiful about the baking process. The way flour feels in your hands or the sound of eggs cracking on the edge of a bowl. Baking is a gathering of interesting materials, a mixed medium art piece of sorts, that ends in a cake instead of a canvas.
Thank you for your compliments. We have not been able to respond to comments for some reason (still trying to figure it out….) but here is some general info.
We shot this with a Canon 5D and 7D with EF 50mm f1.4 USM and EF 24-105mm f4L IS. We edited in Final Cut Pro and colored in Color and FCP. We wrote out the titles and edited them in Photoshop.
And yes, the beet cake is delicious!
Cast: tiger in a jar and Evenings
Tags: baking, beet cake, cake, d.i.y., recipe, tiger in a jar, diy, bake, beets, cooking and food
How Green Is Your Internet?
When you use the internet have you thought just how much energy you’re using? This story may give you some idea of just how much energy the wired world sucks down. Written and voiced by Dan Ilic Directed and designed by Patrick Clair This was made for …
How Green Is Your Internet?
When you use the internet have you thought just how much energy you’re using? This story may give you some idea of just how much energy the wired world sucks down.
Written and voiced by Dan Ilic
Directed and designed by Patrick Clair
This was made for HungryBeast on ABC TV
Executive Producers: Andrew Denton and Anita Jacoby
Produced by: Zapruder’s Other Films and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
ABC Executive Producer: Sophia Zachariou
Series Producer: Andy Nehl
Post Production Supervisor: Richard Fabb
Chief of Staff/Script Editor: Jon Casimir
Assistant Editor / Tracklay: Vaughan Smith
Audio Post: Evan Horton
Jikou Sugan
Cast: Patrick Clair and Dan Ilic
Tags: patrick, clair, patrickclair, design, motion, motion graphics, infographics, green internet, internet, green, microsoft, google, facebook, amazon, cloud, environment, carbon, energy and footprint
Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus
An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code. This was produced for Australian TV program HungryBeast on Australia’s ABC1 Direction and Motion Graphics: Patrick Clair…
Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus
An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code. This was produced for Australian TV program HungryBeast on Australia’s ABC1
Direction and Motion Graphics: Patrick Clair
Written by: Scott Mitchell
Production Company: Zapruder’s Other Films.
Cast: Patrick Clair
Tags: patrick, clair, design, hungrybeast, hungry, beast, stuxnet, virus, iran, infographic, abc, patrickclair, motion, graphics, motion design, designer, diagram, journalism, zero days and siemens
PlayPortrait 02 Navigating Oval
Navigating Oval
PlayPortrait 02
What does the creative mind behind Oval’s music look like? And what is that person like? Last winter, with the snow still covering the streets, we travelled to Berlin to spend a few days in the company of Markus Popp, one of the most brilliant minds in electronic music of the past twenty years, a revolutionary with an impressive CV, a body of work released on labels such as Thrill Jockey and Mille Plateaux, and such interesting achievements as the popularisation of the glitch technique and the union of the styles of digital music and post-rock.
In this second PlayPortrait chapter we talk to Popp about his music and his ideas on sound, he shares some private moments with us (listening to music with Jan St. Werner, his partner in Microstoria, playing video games, walking in the park), and we follow him on his long working days, composing, rehearsing and playing live. A peek in the kitchen of an elusive creator who is key in present experimental music.
Cast: Playground // PlayTv and GCCS
Tags: oval, markus popp, O, thrilley jockey, mille plateaux, jan st werner, microstoria, electronic music and experimental music